Opening hours today for Cafe Rouge

09:00 - 23:00

Open now, until 23:00
  • Monday: -
  • Tuesday (today): -
  • Wednesday: -
  • Thursday: -
  • Friday: -
  • Saturday: -
  • Sunday: -


🕗 Cafe Rouge Opening times in Leeds, LS1 8TL

LS1 8TL The Headrow Leeds, gb
Telefon: 0113 2461620
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A French restaurant serving a tempting menu with a contemporary twist. Open all-day and ideal for a quick snack, lunch or dinner and drinks.


Nearest Cafe Rouge restaurants, Cafe Rouge Leeds

Prezzo Leeds, Leeds

16-18 The Light Headrow Leeds, 70.4 m

Open now, until 23:00

Nando\'s Leeds - Trinity, Leeds

Albion Street, 45.3 m

Open now, until 22:00

Nando\'s Leeds - The Light, Leeds

The Light The Headrow, 70.4 m

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Cafe Rouge Harrogate, Harrogate

21-29 Beulah Street, 21.7 km

Open now, until 21:00

Cafe Rouge Sheffield, Sheffield

St Paul's Place, 47.0 km

Open now, until 23:00

Cafe Rouge York, York

52 Low Petergate, 35.3 km

Open now, until 23:00